
Stealing Joy

Stealing Joy

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”  —Theodore Roosevelt

Of all the quotes I’ve ever heard, this is one that I repeat the most. 

I said it to our kids when they were little and started to complain about a sibling. I’ve used in countless talks and discussions over the years. I’ve said it to myself when I wasn’t keeping my eye on the ball. I used it yesterday while leading a discussion in Blowing Rock.

Feel free to pass it on today. Let it sink in to your own heart and mind first. 

“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”   Romans 12:2 (J. B. Phillips version)

Riding into the sunset

Riding into the sunset

Tuesday Tidbits—#2: A Handy Measuring Tool

Tuesday Tidbits—#2: A Handy Measuring Tool